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And Thou Shalt Read Featured Products

Invisible as Air Baseball Talmud
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Invisible as Air by Zoe Fishman Baseball Talmud: Rankings of Baseball's Chosen Players
Sylvie does the grocery shopping, the laundry, the scheduling,...She's also secretly addicted to the Oxycontin intended for her husband. She tells herself that the pills are temporary... The definitive position-by-position ranking of baseball's Chosen Players.
Month of Elul Mad Desire to Dance
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Month of Elul: Days of transformation and Introspection Mad Desire to Dance
This book is an exploration of the Hebrew month of Elul. Each month of the year radiates with a distinct quality and provides unique opportunities for growth and personal transformation. Elul, as the final month of the spring/summer season is connected to endings as well as preparation for beginnings, the New Year/Rosh Hashanah. A novel by Nobel prize-winning author, Elie Weisel.  Doriel, a European expatriate and survivor, is haunted by his parents' memories and secrets.  A psychoanalyst helps bring him to a crossroad and a shocking denouement.  A profoundly moving piece of fiction by a powerful writer of our times.
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Converso Legacy, Jews in a Strange Land Flesh and Blood so Cheap, the story of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Jews in New Mexico, surrounded by intolerant neighbors, struggle to survive and fit in. Imfamous story of Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire that led to American fire safety standards.

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The Purim Superhero (Paperback)
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To Hope and Back
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Networking Aerobics
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Garden of Letters
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